Bokaro: The CBSE board exams for classes 10th and 12th commenced today in a disciplined and malpractice-free environment. In Bokaro district, 20 exam centres were set up to facilitate the examination process. The first papers conducted included English (Language and Literature), English (Communicative) for class 10, and Entrepreneurship for class 12. Follow the currentbokaro channel on WhatsApp:
Strict Adherence to CBSE Guidelines
City Coordinator and Principal of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Suraj Sharma, confirmed that the exams were conducted smoothly without any irregularities. Almost all students arrived on time, ensuring a seamless start. The examination adhered strictly to CBSE guidelines, with robust security measures in place, including CCTV surveillance. Students were required to present their admit cards before entering the examination hall. Follow the currentbokaro channel on WhatsApp:
Security Measures and Student Presence
To maintain integrity, candidates underwent thorough checking by invigilators and security personnel before entering the examination hall. Teachers and staff ensured a positive and disciplined atmosphere. According to official reports, 8655 students appeared for the 10th English (Language and Literature) exam, with 53 absentees. In English (Communicative), 345 students took the test, while one student was absent. For the 12th Entrepreneurship paper, all 18 registered students were present. Follow the currentbokaro channel on WhatsApp:
Students Express Satisfaction
As students exited the exam centres, they appeared content and expressed relief. Many shared that the question paper was easy to comprehend and they had sufficient time for revision after completing their answers. Follow the currentbokaro channel on WhatsApp:
Ensuring a Fair Examination Process
Authorities assured that all upcoming board exams will be conducted in a peaceful and fair manner, maintaining the highest standards of discipline and security. Follow the currentbokaro channel on WhatsApp:
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