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Enthusiastic celebrations of International Yoga Day in Schools of Bokaro

International Yoga Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm across the schools of Bokaro, with prominent institutions like DPS Bokaro, Sree Ayyappa Public School, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, and Pentecostal Assembly School conducting various yoga activities to raise awareness among students.

DPS Bokaro: Celebrating with ‘Yoganubhuti’ and Artistic Yoga

DPS Bokaro marked the 10th International Day of Yoga in collaboration with the Bokaro District Yogasana Sports Association (BDYSA) on their school premises. The event promoted the 2024 theme, “Yoga for Self and Society.” The day commenced with the release of the Yoga Magazine ‘Yoganubhuti,’ which contained extensive information on the importance and various types of Yogasanas. Students showcased a special Yoga presentation, demonstrating different ‘Yoga mudras’ such as Padmasana, Shirsasana, Chakrasana, Dhanurasana, Natrajasan, Utthita Padmasana, and Purna Ustrasana. Faculty members participated in a ‘laughter yoga session’ to manage stress and cultivate joy. Dr. A. S. Gangwar, Principal of DPS Bokaro and President of BDYSA, praised the students’ energetic performances and emphasized the holistic benefits of yoga for the mind, body, and soul. The celebration successfully motivated young children to incorporate yoga into their daily lives.

Sree Ayyappa Public School: Yoga Competitions and Mass Demonstrations

Sree Ayyappa Public School celebrated International Yoga Day 2024 with the theme “Yoga for Self and Society” to spread the benefits of yoga to every home. The day began with a prayer and meditation session in the School Assembly Hall, followed by a Yoga dance showcasing various postures. A quiz competition on yoga was held for students of Std. XI and XII, and a painting competition on the theme “Importance of Yoga in Life” was organized for students of Std. III to X. An essay writing competition for students from Std. III to XII covered topics like the importance of yoga, yoga and youth, and yoga for self and society. Students of Std. XI visited the Sree Ayyappa Temple for meditation and asanas in a serene environment. A mass yoga demonstration for students and staff included practicing asanas such as Pranayama, Bhramari Pranayama, Dhyana, Kati Chakrasana, along with Om chanting and Gayatri mantra. Principal P. Shailaja Jayakumar highlighted yoga’s importance for better concentration and discipline, urging everyone to make it a daily practice for a healthy mind and body.

Chinmaya Vidyalaya: Grand Yoga Utsav in the Tejomayanand Auditorium

Chinmaya Vidyalaya celebrated the 10th International Yoga Day with grandeur in the Tejomayanand Auditorium. The music department welcomed participants with yoga-themed songs, and the program was inaugurated by Principal Suraj Sharma and the Physical Education Department. Around 700 students from Class IX and X and Class I and II, along with 70 teachers, participated in the Yoga Utsav. Senior Physical Teacher Harihar Pandey demonstrated Suryanamaskar and other asanas, emphasising their importance. Principal Suraj Sharma noted the global celebration of International Yoga Day and its benefits for physical and mental health, advocating for daily yoga practice. School secretary Mahesh Tripathi spoke about India’s leadership in yoga and its cultural significance. The celebration reinforced yoga’s positive impact on health and well-being, promoting peace and happiness worldwide.

Pentecostal Assembly School: Collective Yoga Practice for Holistic Health 

Pentecostal Assembly School celebrated International Yoga Day with students from grades 6 to 12 participating in a special assembly and yoga session. Principal Dr. Karuna Prasad encouraged a mindful approach to health, stressing the importance of exercise. Senior Sports Teacher Biva Mishra guided students through various asanas, and selected students demonstrated poses like Vrikshasana, Uttanasana, Trikonasana, Bhadrasana, Shashankasana, Bhujangasana, and Pawana Muktaasana. The entire senior school, including teachers, practiced yoga together on the center field, creating a serene atmosphere that underscored the school’s commitment to fostering a healthy lifestyle. The event highlighted the importance of holistic health and well-being, leaving a lasting impression on all participants.

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