Hindi News

‘Krishna Leela’ dance-drama steals the show with 100 participants

Bokaro: Delhi Public School, Bokaro organised the Graduation Ceremony to recognise and celebrate the academic achievements of the graduating class of grade V, marking the transition of the students from the primary to the middle section. The event was graced by the presence of Birendra Kumar Tiwari, Director Incharge , SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant as the Chief Guest. The ceremony commenced with a warm welcome and the presentation of saplings symbolising the ‘Go Green’ initiative of the school. This was followed by the traditional lighting of the lamp, signifying the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. The students then captivated the audience with a melodious welcome song followed by the rendition of the school song whereas the star attraction of the event was the ‘Krishna Leela’ where 100 students participated in the dance-drama depicting the different stages of Lord Krishna’s life reflecting the triumph of good over evil. 263 students in their graduation gowns and caps were awarded with certificates. In his address, the Chief Guest, Birendra Kumar Tiwari , congratulated the young graduates calling them the changemakers and the shapers of the society, nation and the world. “DPS Bokaro is the most preferred destination for holistic education in the entire city and its alumni serve as ambassadors of the Steel City as they are found in every corner of the world. Every child is unique and it is the responsibility of the school and the parents to nurture them to bloom following their potential and passion”, he added. He also commended the Principal for elevating the school’s recognition at the global level.

The Principal Dr. A.S. Gangwar congratulated the young learners and wished them luck. He stated that the legacy of success of the students is a beautiful confluence of the school, students and parents. He urged parents to shield their children from the overuse of technology and nurture their creativity as they are the future global leaders. The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks, followed by the rendition of the National Anthem.

#DPSBokaro, #GraduationCeremony, #YoungGraduates, #KrishnaLeela, #GoGreenInitiative, #HolisticEducation, #FutureLeaders, #AcademicExcellence, #SteelCityPride, #ChiefGuest, #StudentSuccess, #NationalAnthem


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