Education English News

Chinmaya Vidyalaya Bokaro hosts successful two-day workshop on health and wellbeing

Bokaro: Chinmaya Vidyalaya Bokaro recently hosted a successful two-day workshop on School Health and Wellbeing, aimed at fostering a vision among the teachers. The event was inaugurated by Secretary Mahesh Tripathi, Principal Suraj Sharma, and resource persons Dr. P Shailaja Jaikumar and Anandita Bhadra, with mantra chanting and lamp lighting.

Organised under the Capacity Building Program of the new education policy, the workshop was developed by NCERT and UNESCO, and supported by Ayushman Bharat, to train teachers from CBSE-affiliated schools.

Principal Suraj Sharma emphasised that for children’s overall development—mental, physical, moral, and emotional—gender inequalities must be eradicated to help them become capable future citizens contributing to societal growth. Healthy citizens are essential for a healthy society, and schools and teachers play a pivotal role in this objective.

The workshop featured 11 models presented through engaging activities by NCERT and UNESCO. These models included topics such as growing up healthy, emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, gender equality, nutrition, substance misuse prevention, healthy lifestyle promotion, reproductive health, safety against violence, and safe internet use. The enthusiastic participation of teachers was evident.

The session concluded with a discussion on safe internet use, led by Anandita Bhadra, followed by a Q&A to test teachers’ understanding. Principal Sharma praised the resource persons for their informative and skillful presentation, honored them with mementos, and thanked them for their dedication.

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