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Pentecostal School Bokaro inspires aspiring engineers in career counseling series

Bokaro: The Pentecostal Assembly School (PAS) hosted the third installment of its Career Counseling Series, tailored for engineering aspirants of standard 11 and 12. 

The session, a beacon of inspiration and guidance, featured a distinguished panel of PAS alumni, all of whom are IITans, sharing their invaluable insights and experiences with the eager students.

The panel comprised shining stars of PAS’s alumni:

– Shweta Kumari, PAS Batch of 2020, now a B.Tech graduate from IIT Kanpur in Material Science, currently excelling as a Software Development Engineer at Uber.
– Anup Lal Nayak, PAS Batch of 2022, pursuing his integrated B.Tech/M. Tech in Computer Science at IIT Delhi, a former batch topper in standard 10.
– Vidhi Agarwal, also from the PAS Batch of 2022, now pursuing her B.Tech in Material Science at IIT Delhi.

Moderating the discussion was Mrs. Shweta Kumar, PGT English, ensuring a structured and insightful exchange of ideas. The session delved into various crucial aspects including preparation strategies, time management, mental and physical well-being, and balancing academics with co-curricular activities.

The alumni’s journey stood as a testament to determination and excellence, having cracked the IIT entrance in their first attempt without a gap year. Their success, coupled with PAS’s nurturing environment, reflects the school’s commitment to holistic education.

Recalling the school’s motto, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it,” the alumni shared how PAS has shaped their personalities and guided them on their path to success.

The enthusiasm among the aspiring IITians was palpable, as they engaged in insightful discussions with the alumni post-session. Dr. Karuna Prasad, PAS Principal, honored the alumni with tokens of appreciation, symbolizing the school’s pride in their achievements.

Notably, all three alumni had earned fully sponsored international trips from the school, further enriching their global perspective. PAS, true to its ethos, doesn’t just educate minds but ignites hearts, minds, and spirits, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.

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