Bokaro: A mobile message received last night filled the faces of Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) officers and employees with smiles. On Thursday night, Steel Authourity of India Limited (SAIL) deposited the outstanding arrears amount in the bank accounts of its employees. BSL is experiencing a festive atmosphere today. Sources said, SAIL has distributed about Rs 1100 crore in arrears to its 56000 officers and staff. Of them, 8700 non-executives and 1800 officers are of BSL.
Executive and non-executive employees of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) have finally been given their long-awaited pay revision. On Thursday, the Ministry of Steel issued an order approving the pay revisions at SAIL. As a result, SAIL management also acted swiftly and issued the pay revision order late last night, following which arrears w.e.f 01.04.2020 were immediately transferred to the bank accounts of all employees on the same day.
SAIL employees will start receiving salary payments with the revised pay scale from December 21. However, it has also been clarified in the SAIL order that arrears for the duration 01.01.2017 to 31.03.2020 will not be admissible as per DPE guidelines. However, this comes as a huge relief to the employees of SAIL. The Bokaro Steel Officer Association (BSOA) expressed gratitude for the pay revision, which met the expectations of the company executives in the challenging scenario of rising coal rates.
“The stand Which I have taken at the beginning of the revision process for 15% MGB and 35% Perks has been implemented. This is really giving me a great pleasure,” said A K Singh, contestant for BSOA president.
The revised scales of pay effective from I .1.2017 for the executives are given below:
Grade Scales of pay
E-0 30000-120000
E-1 50000- 160000
60000- 180000
E- 270000-200000
E- 380000-220000
E- 490000-240000
E-5 100000-260000
E-6 120000-280000
E-7 120000-280000
E-8 120000-280000
E-9 150000-300000
Director/CEO 180000-340000
Chairman 200000-370000The fitment benefit would be 15% of Basic+DA
A uniform rate of 3% of Basic Pay will be applicable for both annual increment as well as promotion increment and would continue to be paid. The amount of increment will be rounded off to the next Rs.10. However, Basic pay in no case will exceed maximum of applicable scale of pay.
18 Months Estimated Arrear Grade of non-executives – Amount (in Rupees)
S-1 -78,895S-2 -84,651S-3 -92,337S-4 -1,10,500S-5 -1,15,900S-6 -1,36,200S-7 -1,52,268S-8 -1,65,380S-9 -1,83,100S-10 -2,08.4911S-11 -2,48,168