Bokaro: Steel Authourity of India Limited (SAIL) on Monday amended the casual leave rules providing grant of six days leave at one spell to its officials. Earlier, officers were not granted more than three days casual leave at one spell. The order in this regard brought little relief to the officials of Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) and other units of SAIL, who were disheartened with freezing of their dearness allowance in wake of Covid-19 situation.
Meanwhile the SAIL has also given positive signal over leave encashment and indicated to resolve the issue soon, said sources. The issue related to amendment of casual leave, leave encashment, third pay revision and others were strongly raised by Steel Executive Federation of India (SEFI) in the online meeting held recently with the SAIL top notches. President of Bokaro Steel Officer Association (BSOA), A K Singh, who then was participating in the online meeting, has urged SAIL bosses to take up the issues seriously.

Singh, virtually, protested in the online meeting and only get calmed down, when top brasses gave him positive assurance. After SAIL enhanced casual leave amending the rules, Singh expressed his thanks to the SAIL chairman and urged to fulfill other demands of leave encashment and third pay revision in benefit of 11000 executives working in different plants and units of SAIL. Singh told mediapersons that “SAIL management is acting positively on the issues raised by executive bodies”. He added that freezing of the dearness allowance of about 2000 officers working in BSL and others in SAIL by the government has made executives unhappy. They are demanding to restore it soon.